Monday, May 21, 2012

The Assessors and the Assessment

One of the characteristic of the EASA licensing system under Part 66 is the majority of the tasks are to be done by the approved training school, part 147 school. The application for the grant of the licenses can be made by the students of the school and the following documents are required:-

1. Evidence of theoretical knowledge
2.  Practical skills Task and assessment
3.   Assessment of maintenance experience by assessors

Please take note the documents are produced by the school.  The evidence of theoretical knowledge can be obtained by taking and passing the 12 or 13 modules designed for basic knowledge examinations. The course itself shall take about 2400 hours or 2 years. The practical skills are obtained by the various practical jobs done during the course.

If you are familiar with the earlier Section L BCAR license, the assessment of the practical competencies were assessed by the CAA surveyors. However that practice has stopped. The task is now being outsourced to the training school.

As such, the school, like my school, has to prepare for the assessment. Some of the questions being raised are: ...
a. Assessment kits - what are the areas to be assessed and how.
b. Assessment plan - when to assess it.

The whole process remind me of the DCA oral exam under BCAR section L where the authority was responsible for the assessors and the assessment.

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