The Thought In Organisational Design
On what basis do you organize you organisation?. This may not be such a simple question, and whatever approach you take, always bear in mind that it is not perfect. The approach is always situational and we are in constant efforts trying to optimize our existing structure, resources and processes.
I tend to favor the simple process model in the thinking process of developing organisation structure....
Input -------> Process ------------> output

Looking at this simple process model, the organisation can be organised based on:
a. The customers - We can organise our structure based on different customers, for example, the military, the civilian or different groups such as company A, company B or company C.
b. Based on the outputs - we can structure with grouping based the courses that the students do. A group to handle category B and another group to handle category A courses.
c. Base on the processes - Looking at the process alone, there are many options open. We have opted to divide it according to:
- Training and assessment - the separation of training and assessment is in line with the DCA requirements. Training is under Training Manager and Assessment is under Quality Assurance.
- The training is grouped under competency grouping. ( the other option is by training processes or classroom/workshop ). The grouping by competency grouping will provide the distinct advantage of optimizing the competencies delivery to the students.
1. We want to be customers' focused - For that reason we have different group to handle the MOE, DCA qualification and military. The head of each group reports to Training Manager.
2. Each of the group, for example the DCA MATA school will be divided into competency groupings, Engines, Airframe, Avionics and General Study. The MOE school may be structured differently.
3. Each of the competency grouping will need to develop both the teaching of knowledge and practical works. The measures and expectation need to be outcome driven. That mean the airframe groups is tasked with the expectation to get the students proficient in airframe competencies and the mean of measure is the DCA exam.
(we could easily focus on process efficiency, focusing on delivery quantum of measures. This method will lead to process efficiency and may not produce the outputs that we wanted).
(Actual Structure is still under Discussion)
In designing the structure we may like to keep some objectives. For examples:
a. Equitability - There need to be a way to related one position in one organisation to to its sister company.
An instructor at MATA DCA school need to be related to an instructor at MOE school. Relate does not mean equal, either in pay of opportunities.
b. Efficiency - In organisation , jobs are done by groups, and it is rare to have organisations design according to work process. However to be efficienct, the groups need to be able to handle the processes smoothly.
c. Accountability - This is important for process improvement. When we measure the outputs, we can identify where the shortcomings are, and improve accordingly.
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