Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Requirement for Practical Experience

Viewing the CAP 741, the CAA puts a very general description on its usage. The UK Civil Aviation Authority states that the document is a logbook to record history of aircraft experience and employment history to be used for job application, license application and confirming of technical competencies.

Viewing the logbook, it consists of three sections:

1- personal data and record of employment.
2. Basic Training and Basic Skill
3. Type training and maintenance experiences.

We were not too sure when to start filling the logbook. There were some of the earlier staff who feels that the logbook to be filled up when the students have completed the examinations of the 13 modules. However that does not make sense as some of the records required for it are for basic skills which are required for the license. Let us examine some of the elements of the required basic skills:

Samples of the Basic Skills:

- Soldering cables to single or multiple pins connector.
- Check aircraft wiring for continuity in conjunction with wiring diagram.

These basic skills are taught in maintenance school. As such the record can be entered when the students are doing the courses.

How to Use The LogBook

Although CAA listed the purposes of the logbook, as quoted above, as a training organisation, I would use it slightly different. I am using it as the reference point of the targeted skills and practical requirements.

The logbook list the skills required, as the part 66 list the required hours of practical training, the logbook will be a convenient indicators of what sort of training practices are required.

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