Sunday, November 27, 2011

Safety System for School

The Civil Aviation Authority overseeing the ATO (approved training organisation) wants the ATO to have a set of system to manage the safety. The system will be documented in SMS, the safety maintenance manual.

In the last visit on 14 Nov, the DCA had reiterated the need have the Safety Management System in place for the next visit.

Our jobs will be made easier, as we had a copy of the old safety manual. Although the manual was designed for other purpose, the key points of safety will remain about similar.

With the requirements from DCA and the copy of living manual, the task for writing the SMS will be easier. In my mind, it may take 10 working days at the most.

As such, I would like to discuss and review the first cut of the draft of MATA SMS Manual on the first week of December.

I had also review the AN with regard to Safety and append some of the key point. There is yet to be AN for Training.
...extracted from AN 101 ...

Applicability And Acceptance
3.1 Effective 1 January 2009, an AMO shall have in place a SMS that is acceptable to the DCA, that, as a minimum:

a) identifies safety hazards;
b) ensures that remedial action necessary to maintain an acceptable level of safety is implemented;
c) provides for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the safety level achieved; and
d) aims to make continuous improvement to the overall level of safety.

3.2 In order to be acceptable to DCA, an AMO SMS shall meet the requirements set forth in this Notice
Organisational structure and responsibilities
6.2.1 The Accountable Manager shall be responsible and accountable on behalf of the AMO for meeting the
requirements of this regulation.
6.2.2 The Accountable Manager shall have the ultimate responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of
the SMS.
6.2.3 The Accountable Manager shall have:
a) full control of the human resources required for the activities authorised to be conducted under the
approval certificate;
b) full control of the financial resources required for the activities authorised to be conducted under the
approval certificate;
c) final authority over activities authorised to be conducted under the approval certificate;
d) direct responsibility for the conduct of the organisation„s affairs; and
e) final responsibility for all safety issues.
6.3.3 The SMS implementation plan shall include the following:
a) safety policy and objectives;
b) safety roles and responsibilities;
c) system description;
d) gap analysis;
e) SMS components;
f) safety performance measurement;
g) safety reporting policy;
h) safety communication;
i) means of employee involvement; and
j) management review of safety performance.
6.3.4 The SMS implementation plan shall be endorsed by senior management of the organisation.

With system system for school implemented, it would be easier to make the student understand the importance of safety and how it is implemented in an organisation.

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