An Aviation School approved under part 147 has to provide staff skill's up dating training for the academic staff. As per EASA's requirements, the following group of staff have to be receiving a continuous training to keep their skills and knowledge current:
- Instructors
- Examiners
- Assessors
The requirements are as follows...
a. In the Malaysian DCAM – AN1201 - 5.2 para (i) Instructors, knowledge examiners and Assessors shall undergo updating training every 24 months in the subjects of :-
i. Current technology
ii. Practical skills
iii. Human factors
iv. Latest training technique
b. The British CAA gives the requirements that the training shall be 35 hours for every 24 months. The methods can be..
i. By lectures, symposiums etc
ii. Schedule to be made available
iii. Record of training to be kept
c. Beside the requirements as stated by the authorities, we are also suggesting the following topics.
i. The knowledge on air-leg
ii. Aircraft knowledge
iii. Industry knowledge
3. Concept of the implementation.
a. The training will be done using multiple approaches of lectures, talks and seminar.
b. It will be a mixed delivery, suggested 70% cross-training and 30% external. External training is necessary to inject new body of knowledge of the organisation.
c. All instructors to provide 6 hour ( 1 day) course for per year. The topics will discussed and selected. Examiners and assessors have to provide briefings in the area of concern.
d. All staff who attended external courses has to conduct briefing on the courses within a month of his return. The notes and materials have to be surrendered to the library.
e. The examiners to be the lead in the knowledge of assessment knowledge.
f. The assessors to lead in practical assessment.
Complying to the requirements of the authority such as EASA in the area of updating training is necessary in order to ensure continuing approval.
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